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CHBA is one association working at three levels – nationally, provincially and locally. Each level of the Association works with the government at their level. And because many housing issues involve multiple levels of government, we frequently collaborate to ensure a consistent approach towards real solutions that will benefit consumers. CHBA is a federal not-for-profit organization governed by an elected Board of Directors and a volunteer executive, supported by our professional staff. At the national level, our system of Committees’ and Councils brings together builders and industry experts from across the country to share information and ideas, and to formulate recommendations to governments to improve the quality and affordability of homes for Canadians. If your company is interested in becoming a CHBA member, contact the Local Home Builders' Association in your area.


Companies join a Local Home Builders’ Association and automatically become members at the provincial and national levels of the Association. To join, please see the list of local associations below, and contact the one you're interested in joining by clicking on its "Join Now" link.


Our Provincial Home Builders’ Associations work with their provincial governments and other provincial organizations towards ensuring residents have access to homes that meet their needs, at a price they can afford to pay. Provincial HBA’s also work to provide CHBA member companies with professional development opportunities either directly or in partnership with others.

To learn more about what Provincial Home Builders’ Association are doing in your province, visit their websites.


British Columbia

CHBA-British Columbia


BILD Alberta


Regina and Region HBA
Saskatoon and Region HBA


Manitoba HBA


Ontario HBA

New Brunswick

CHBA-New Brunswick

Nova Scotia

CHBA-Nova Scotia

Prince Edward Island


Newfoundland and Labrador

CHBA-Newfoundland and Labrador