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EOC Professional Development Forum

Register Today for the EOC PDF

Held in a different location each year, the EOC PDF brings together executive officers and HBA staff from across the country for two days to learn the latest techniques and skills for building and maintaining a strong and effective association.

Winnipeg, MB |  June 10 - 12, 2024


About the PDF

As EOs who have attended always attest, the PDF is the premier opportunity for EOs and HBA staff to get together and share ideas, best practices, and new initiatives that strengthen their own HBAs and the association as a whole. A big value of membership in the association is networking, and this is no different for EOs and staff of our HBAs. The PDF provides both key educational content and the venue for EOs to build their relationships with each other, so that all can be more effective back home. The ability to reach out to colleagues across the country throughout the year makes every EO more effective, and the annual PDF is an important building block for that.

Details for the 2024 event, including hotel, agenda, bursary and registration are available below.


For questions about the event, please email

A Recap of Previous Forums

The 2024 PDF was held in Charlottetown, PEI. EOs came together for 2+ days of education and relationship building. This year, participants spent a whole day on Building Science basics so that they can better support members as they build and renovation to more energy efficiency requirements. Another highlight was EO-led discussion panels on a variety of topics.


2022: The 2023 PDF took place in Toronto, Ontario. The PDF provided both key educational content and the venue for EOs to build their relationships with each other, so that all can be more effective back home. This 2 day forum was packed with educational sessions, guest speakers, a Blue Jays game and endless networking opportunities.


2019: CHBA’s annual Professional Development Forum for Executive Officers took place in person back in 2019 in Baltimore, Maryland. The event was held in conjunction with our American colleagues' similar event, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Association Management Conference (AMC). Twenty-two participants from across the country spent two days attending concurrent sessions, all with the goal of learning new techniques and skills for building and maintaining a strong and effective association, and delivering solid value to members. Our Canadian contingent organized two independent evening functions, ate meals together, and participated in a debrief on the final day, ensuring that EOs and staff had plenty of opportunities to spend time together.