Become a Qualified Net Zero Renovator
How to Become a Qualified Net Zero Renovator?
A Net Zero home renovation can be a significant investment for homeowners. For this reason, it is mandatory for Qualified Net Zero Renovators to successfully complete prescribed training courses as well as be enrolled in the RenoMark program in order to offer knowledgeable recommendations and services.

CHBA Membership:
Be a CHBA member in good standing. Learn more about the benefits of membership and contact a local HBA to join. (When you join a local HBA, provincial and national membership is included.) CHBA members are required to register all their homes with a warranty provider.

Be a RenoMark Renovator. RenoMark is the Renovator’s Mark of Excellence. It defines CHBA members as professional, qualified, reputable, and trustworthy renovation contractors. These skills are essential and are what homeowners are looking before they commit to an extensive Net Zero renovation.

Complete the CHBA Net Zero Builder Training and the CHBA Net Zero Renovator Training with a minimum exam score of 75%. An SO approved* Building Science Training course is a pre-requisite to the CHBA Net Zero Builder Training. Once training has been successfully completed renovators can request the Net Zero/Ready Home logos from their Service Organization (SO) for promotion of projects. (Renovator companies must have at least one Net Zero trained person on staff.)

Work with a CHBA Qualified Net Zero Energy Advisor (EA) and Service Organization (SO) to obtain ERS and Net Zero/Ready labels for the home(s).

Once the first home has been labelled, the SO verifies that all Program Requirements have been met and then prompts the Renovator to register with the CHBA by signing the Renovator Agreement and Attestation at and paying the Renovator registration fee.
Once registration is complete, the SO sends the Renovator a confirmation letter along with the program marketing collateral. The Renovator will then be added to the webpage as a CHBA Qualified Net Zero Renovator.