Membership Reporting
How does reporting to the National Office work?
All CHBA members join the Association at the local level. At the National Office, we receive all of our membership information directly from the local associations. We update our database as we receive your information.
Ideally, reporting would be done monthly. CHBA is capable of updating your HBA's info as frequently as you can send it. All of your membership information should be submitted to the National Office in an Excel document (see below for a template and video explaining how to use it), along with the Membership Remittance Form applicable to your HBA and the corresponding Membership Fees for any new or renewed members for that time period. Membership fees can either be transferred using electronic funds (an e-transfer) or via cheque. Banking information for e-transfers is available upon request.
RenoMark Members must now be indicated on all reports. Please view the report template's instructions to find out how to properly add that information in your reporting.
Please email updated membership reports and remittance forms to
Download Membership Report Template
To watch the video in full screen, hit play, then select "Watch on YouTube" (click on the YouTube icon on the screen).
How does the National Office update membership records?
BC, AB, SK, MB, NB, NS and PE
When you send us a membership report (to, our goal is to update our records within a few days. You'll then automatically see the updates here.
You should be updating your membership information in KDI (the OHBA database), hopefully at least once a month. We go in to KDI on a monthly basis and retrieve all of the membership information from there.
Last membership update was done: December 11, 2023
Next update scheduled for: January 15, 2024
How often should we be sending membership reports?
BC, AB, SK, MB, NB, NS and PE
We would love to receive a report from you each month.
We recommend updating your membership records in KDI monthly. OHBA also uses KDI to update their records.
Why send in frequent reports?
Having up-to-date membership data means that your members appear in the CHBA National website's Member Directory, and that they receive access to the full offerings of the association, including e-publications, industry alerts, webinars, and other communications. It also ensures that they're eligible to enter the CHBA National Awards for Housing Excellence. New members receive a welcome email from us which includes their CHBA National website login information. Equally importantly, frequent reporting prevents complaints to you from members that notice they are not listed on the National website.
We never want HBAs to feel that payment timing is preventing them from sending updated membership information to CHBA National. As an association, we all want to provide as much value for our members as possible. While membership reporting and transfer of membership dues usually occur at the same time, please know that our priority is receiving updated membership reports as frequently as possible (ideally monthly) to ensure the best service to your members. If your dues remittance will be sent at a later time, that is not a problem. You can also always contact John Bos, our Director of Finance (, 613-230-3060 x238) regarding anything financial.