PDF Schedule

Welcome to the 2025 EOC Professional Development Forum (PDF)! Below is an early draft schedule of events. As more details are available, the schedule will be updated. Please note that this year we are starting on a Tuesday with departure Friday, which is a change from our previous years' schedules.
What to wear
Business casual for all daytime sessions at the hotel. The Welcome Reception and the Wednesday evening event are casual (wear your group t-shirt on Wednesday night). More details to come for other social events.
TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 2026
11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Offsite Tourism Activity
Meet in the Jag Hotel Lobby
For those who are arriving early and looking for something to do, we will be arranging a social activity to get out and see the sights. Please note that this activity may have an extra cost associated with it.
7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Welcome Reception
Jag Hotel - Room TBD
Come collect your badge and t-shirt and meet your fellow PDF attendees during this casual social event with food and drinks.
For questions about the event, please email eoc@chba.ca.