E-Publications Archive
Below is the archive of recent e-newsletters published by CHBA and available to CHBA members. Please note that this content is a benefit of membership, and we ask that you do not share publicly.
You can manage your e-publication subscriptions at any time by navigating to the top of this page and click on the "Account Sign In" box, then going to the "My Subscriptions" page.

National Update
CHBA’s flagship newsletter keeping members up-to-date on what your Association is doing to help your business and all Canadians. Published monthly.

Renovator Review
Information relevant to renovators and trade contractors including resources, industry updates, and training opportunities. Published every two months.

Housing Tech News
Information on technical research, changes to codes and standards, and related events and communications.

Net Zero News
Updates on the efforts of CHBA's Net Zero Council, and Net Zero-related events, webinars, and news. Published monthly.

Building Modular News
Updates on the efforts of CHBA Modular Construction Council, and modular-related events, webinars, and news.